Is it important to go to music festivals? Here, I explain briefly some of my experiences and how they have affected my life.
While I was studying my first years in music, my perception of time was based on having to go to school and then vacations. These periods weren’t complementary as I would forget my interests over the summer and spend time with family. In those years, I am sure that I enjoyed and learned something in the time between school years, however I wasn’t following a personal path. I was too young to realize what types of things I wanted and could pursue.
It was later that I discovered that in summer there are music festivals, and then I perceived these as an extension of school to keep learning.
Now, probably as a result of living outside my country (and having to experience the pass of time within seasons), life experiences, and age, I realize that summer brings an amazing number of opportunities to nurture our musical and creative needs. Continue reading Music in Summer